Welcome from
Mrs Davinder Jandu - Principal
Welcome to Yarnfield Primary School and ‘thank you’ for taking the time to find out a little more about us. We at Yarnfield Primary are very proud of the children and all their achievements and recognise that each and every person who is involved in the school; both children and adults thrive and enjoy the experience of being here.
All our adults are highly skilled within their roles and work hard to ensure all children reach their personal best; both academically and socially. We have a reputation for taking great care of our learners and making sure that they have the best resources and learning environment that we can provide.
We all work very hard to create a positive atmosphere where everyone can feel happy, secure and valued.
Our vision and aim is to provide an education that meets the needs of all our children and enables them to become successful, confident citizens who are able to think critically and creatively. Children only have one chance in education and it is therefore vital that they are motivated, supported and encouraged to achieve the highest standards. We want them to experience the excitement of learning in a happy, secure and stimulating environment so that each and every child in our care experiences success after success both whilst with us and in the years to come. We aim to provide the good, firm foundation children will need in their future and thus strive to develop the independence, self-esteem and confidence of all pupils, enabling them to learn through the broad, rich and stimulating curriculum we offer.
The ethos of our school is to be a caring, supportive and encouraging one where emphasis is placed upon:
Warm, friendly relationships between children, staff, parents, governors and with the community in general;
Active encouragement of initiative and the taking of responsibility;
All being seen as equal and valued;
Recognition of varying individual needs and an effort to match these with the content of both the National and wider Curriculum and approaches used in order to achieve the highest standards.
We encourage the children to be pro-active in owning their learning journey whilst at the school and thus encourage the children’s voices are heard and shine through.
We strongly believe in the importance of parents and school working closely together in partnership for the benefit of all our children and thus encourage families to be actively involved in their child’s learning.
We hope that the information that follows will give you an insight into our school. However, you are most welcome to visit the school to see us and the children at work. To arrange a visit please telephone the office on 0121 693 0362
We will be happy to help with any queries.